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Come discover the wonderful and secret world of ants, get to know their rich world and life inside the nest,
In the City of Ants science kit we will get to know the ants that are everywhere in the house and garden, we will learn what they like to eat and we will observe them at all hours of the day using a transparent container, where they will build their nest.
How It Works?
The city of ants is made of a transparent plastic container with layers of colorful and moist sand inside. We will place ant catchers in the garden to lure the ants into them and then we will mount the ant catchers on the tank, in a way that will allow the ants to enter the new and luxurious house we built especially for them. In the meantime, we will learn what the ants like to eat, why they like to march in a caravan, how they dig and how they talk to each other.
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