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April 23, 2014
Purim is a very special holiday for children, it features costumes and food packages alongside stories about the Jewish Mordecai and Haman. Each year, children compete amongst them who has the most original and creative costume.
This year, in Pashoshim, we celebrated the holiday in two ways which symbolize the holiday itself:
This year we conducted a global costume contest on our Facebook page, participants uploaded images of their children dressed up for Purim in original costumes. The winner of the competition was decided by the level of originality and interest of the costume and by the number of likes he received on the picture he uploaded.
The competition was very close, so in third place this year, won two costumes, and these are the winners for 2014:
The Awards that were handed out:
First place – The Jewish Murdechi from Mexico
Second place - Dragon from Israel
Third place - Spaghetti Bolognese from Israel and a princess from Australia
More pictures from Purim contest:
Snow White, Lion, Hello Kitty and Elephant.
Minnie Mouse, Colgate and a Lion
Fire Man, Spiderman and a Smurfs.
What is actually “Adloyada?”
Adloyada is a funny and mocking exhibition held on Shushan Purim or Purim. Holding the Adloyada is a tradition that began in the early days of Tel Aviv in 1912.
The Adloyada includes dancers, bands, orchestras and huge moving installations with puppets. The most famous and successful Adloyada is held in Holon, for the- 22 time.
Each year a theme is chosen for the major parade, this years parade was marked by “a Latin rhythm.”
Pashoshim staff came to cover the event and has returned with experiences – this year’s parade was made up from a crazy South American carnival atmosphere that combined giant installations, special performances from abroad, 4,500 dancers, bands, orchestras, theatrical street acrobatics, pyrotechnics and much more...
Each region in South America received representation on a moving stage with puppets and dancers. The parade began with the performance of a large Mexican wearing a huge sombrero, while in the background there was musical composition of Mexican musicians, an Inca temple and large cactuses. Afterwards came the 2 superstars of FC Barcelona; The Argentinian Messi and Niimar the Brazilian, as dolls of course. Later, we saw the amazing landscapes and rare animals of Latin America while they were deployed in the performance of the Galapagos Islands which was stuffed with giant lizards, iguanas and turtles.
Another interesting exhibit was the performance of the world's Prime ministers - Benjamin Netanyahu, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama and Rychani participated in the parade.
For more pictures log on to our Facebook page.